If you just read Ben Graham’s Blunder (#11), you might wonder as I do how Ben explained his late arrival in New Milford to Mr. Barman—the farmer who sent him a ticket and instructed him to catch the 4:30 p.m. train. Ben missed that train and battled to stay awake all...
Ben Graham hefted his black valise and bade his tearful mother goodbye. In June of 1910, Ben had just graduated third in his class at Brooklyn’s elite Boys High School. He had recently turned sixteen—two years younger than his classmates due to skipped grades. He’d...
When Benjamin Graham was born in 1894, he became a member of a family which consisted of his parents, Dorothy and Isaac, and his two older brothers, Leon and Victor. In the first chapter of Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall Street, Ben hints at the...
I never thought I’d be saying this, but I was wrong about Ben Graham’s mother. In my last post, I sat in judgement on my great-grandmother Dorothy Gesundheit Graham. I focused on the ways she was one of “those who loved him dearly [who] would so often wound him,...
Ben Graham’s mother Dorothy died before I was born, so I never had the chance to meet her. I can only get to know my great-grandmother through a scant few family photos, and from Ben Graham’s writings about her in his autobiography, Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of...